Tuesday 13 January 2009

My first blog, and the history of blogging

This is my first blog, and I'm going to tell you about the history of blogging and how it has changed since the beginning.

Originally, blogs were called 'weblogs'. This was invented by Jorn Barger on 17th Decmber 1997 (his picture is on the left). However the term was shortened to 'blog' as it was thought to be quite a mouthful. This term was coined by Peter Merholz.

A blog is a site where people can post their opinions on any topic and have other peeople reply, starting a discussion. From this we get the phrase 'open' or 'online diary'. There are many different types of blogs. For example there are personal blogs, where people can post their feelings and friends and family can reply. There are also corporate blogs, whcih are used by buisinessmen and women. There are photoblogs, linklogs, vlogs (video blogs), sketchblogs and tumbleblogs (with mixed media).

In August of 1999, Blogger was first created by Evan Williams and Meg Hourihanr. It became so popular that just four years later (2003) Google bought it.

Blogs also serve an acedemic use. A person can start a topic on a particular subject in school and fellow schoolmates can answer back. People can also intereact with the readers of the blog post and can help shape and improve other people's education on any given topic.

One major issue is that privacy settings are often overlooked. For example, anyone who is not an adult should hide their age (or at least their year of birth). These settings are extremely important, as they can give away personal information to strangers - something which I advise against.

Overall, I think that blogs are very successful and fun. I would recommend sites to most people, especially social people.

1 comment:

  1. This is quite good.
    You don't talk about blogs as news broadcasts, which is an angle I would have liked explored, but you use a good picture, and write well. You also give a good coverage of the history.
