Wednesday 11 February 2009

Facebook and Privacy

Today, I’m going to tell you all about Facebook security and why you should keep it private. I will not talk about facebook, but if you would like to find something about it, like who created and what it is, you can go and visit Wikipedia’s page on it here.

I have facebook, and I decided to see if I could be found on the web through facebook. When I searched there were to pieces of information of me. One was of my profile and a display of all my friends, and the other was my profile picture on facebook. I realised that I’ve not only exposed my own information but all my contacts’ as well, so I immediately changed my privacy settings. However it was too late to stop my picture and I still have it on the internet that will haunt me forever.

However this isn’t the end. At the time, I didn’t realise this but if I add just one application, all applications on facebook get access to my details. It is too late for me, but I advise any facebook users to think twice, or even thrice before adding an app.

There is also the issue of people who tag you in photos. There might have been a time, when you carelessly got drunk and messed around, and your friend took some photos of you doing god knows what. Now it’s years later, and you look at your profile and you find you’ve been tagged in these photos. The problem is that everyone has access to viewing these photos, sometimes even regardless whether they are your friend. Business managers who sneakily spy on people who are signing up for a job can check on facebook, see these photos and immediately make you an unsuitable candidate for the job.

It is important that you change your privacy settings on facebook, or you may be very surprised. Try typing your name in Google and see what comes up. There are many privacy settings, all of which you may not want to apply, but before you ignore them once again, have a think about the consequences of your actions.

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